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Creating Volunteering Opportunity Adverts

This form is designed to help guide you through writing up a volunteer advert and to help you consider what potential volunteers might like to know about volunteering with your organisation. You might find this helpful when writing a new advert for volunteers.

You can advertise for volunteers on Warrington Voluntary Action’s volunteer platform by registering your organisation here:


Opportunity Title

Keep this short & simple. E.g. Finish Line Marshals, Gardening Group Leader, Community Café Volunteer. Avoid long phrases such as ‘Volunteer Needed to help at finishing line at Sunday Park Run’. Use a short, snappy title that clearly states the main task for the volunteer.

Opportunity Description

Your description should include things like why volunteers are needed, what you are trying to achieve, what volunteers should expect day to day in the role. Try to make it sound interesting. It’s important to advertise impactful, interesting and fulfilling opportunities to volunteers.

Benefits & Perks

For example, community work/DofE/Learn new skills/Practical experience/CV/Free lunch/Accredited training programmes

Skills required

What skills will they need on a day-to-day basis?  Customer Care/Hands on/Organisational/Supervisory/Technical/Role specific?

Recruitment & Training details

Will the volunteer receive a full induction? or need to go on any training courses? Explain here the process (if any) from once the volunteer applies for your role until they start volunteering

How many hours will the role involve?

Days/Hours.  Consider what kind of commitment you are expecting from a volunteer – will it be long term, short-term, ad-hoc?

Some Yes/No Questions

  • Does your group/organisation have a volunteer policy? Yes/No
  • Does your group/organisation have if needed a Safeguarding policy? Yes/No
  • Does your group/organisation pay for out-of-pocket expenses? Yes/No
  • Does your group/organisation have insurance to cover this role? Yes/No
  • Is this opportunity in a location that is accessible by public transport? Yes/No
  • Is the role suitable for under 18’s or students? Yes/No
  • Is a DSB required for this role? Yes/No (Who will be taking care of the DBS costs?)

If you would like further support using our volunteer platform, you can contact Shaylah to arrange a time to meet. We can look at how to create an account, add new opportunities as well as how to use various features to support your Volunteer Management.

Please note for best practise to protect your volunteers, having suitable policies in place is essential.

If your organisation needs any support regarding templates and establishing the policies you need or help with volunteer management. Please contact Shaylah if you need more information

Shaylah Cullen – Email: [email protected]  Tel: 01925 246880


About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.