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Business Plan - One Page

This template is a guide to creating a brief but informative plan for a project or your whole group.  The headings are explained here as well as in the template on the document attached at the bottom of this page.  The plan has been broken into manageable sections:

Identity - Who are you and what do you do?

Problem/needs to be addressed – what does your service plan to solve?

Solution – how will you address the needs you have identified? How will you solve the problem?

Target market – who will you work with? Who is your target market? Try to be specific! For example…

  • Ageing communities?
  • Young people?
  • Minority ethnic groups?

Competition – are there any other projects running similar activities?  Be honest, is there another project offering the same service or working with the same target audience?

Activities/Services – what will the activities and/or services be? How will you ‘sell’ the solution to your target market?

Marketing/Promotion – how will you advertise the project and services?

Revenue – how will you generate an income/revenue?

  • Selling services
  • Funding

Expenses – what costs do you need to cover?

  • Overheads
  • Room hire
  • Resources
  • Voluntary expenses

Milestones and Targets – list key achievements you would like to achieve, giving actions and dates to help you stay focused. Keep this manageable to set some realistic timescales.

Team – roles and responsibilities.  Who will help you to implement your plan?

Partner Organisations / Networks – who are you going to work with? What else do you need to make the plan a reality?

Good Neighbours
01925 246881

About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.