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A blonde woman wearing glasses and an orange sweater doing a thinking pose resting her had on her chin
A drawing of two people, one is asking a question, the other answering

Any organisation.  Any size.  Any age.

Welcome to our self-assessment toolkit, REFLECT.  Working through this toolkit will help you to think about how your group is doing at the moment and where you might like to be in the future.

REFLECT is broken down into 4 bite-sized sections:

  • Governance 
  • Impact
  • Finance    
  • People          

You can choose to complete all 4 sections or you can just pick a section that you feel is relevant to you. 

You can use REFLECT in a number of ways:

  • As a leader reflecting objectively on your group/organisation 
  • As a group (committee, trustees, leaders etc) discussing the points raised and sharing perspectives
  • As individuals associated with a group/organisation in various roles (this can be gathered anonymously and collected by the WVA team)
  • As a group exercise with volunteers and/or staff
  • As part of an away day or 'fit for funding' exercise

There is no requirement to share your answers with anyone, however, you can access free support from the WVA team who can help you throughout the process and/or can provide support and suggestions based on your answers. 

Note: There aren't any right or wrong answers, this is about bringing your community, service users and volunteers to the forefront of what you do and ensuring that the service that you offer is tailored to providing the best opportunities/service to them. 

Terminology / Key:

Users - The people that take part in your groups or activities.  You may use terms such as beneficiaries, participants, members, clients, service users, attendees, and audience but in this instance we will use the term 'users'.

Committee - Anyone who has the position of a board member, trustee, member, or director with a voting right to make a significant change.

Services - The word 'services' is used to describe the things that you deliver, such as activities, sessions, workshops, and events.

Choose a section of REFLECT to explore:

One - Governance

Two - Impact

Three - Finance

Four - People

For more information and support:

Helen Parker

About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.